Honors & Awards
G.-H. Han, The Best Paper Award, "High-Resolution Grism Microspectrometer for Raman Spectroscopic Application", OptoWin 2025, Busan, Korea, February, 2025
E.-S. Yu, Excellent Poster Award, "Clinical Evaluation of On-chip RT-RPA and CRISPR/Cas12a with Nanoplasmonic Photothermal Pad and Fluorescence Micorlens Array Cemra", Biochip Conference Fall, Jeju, Korea, November, 2024
G.-H. Han, Best Poster Award, "High-Resolution Miniature Spectrometer using Grism for Raman Analysis", ABC 2024, Gyeongju, Korea, November, 2024
J.-M. Kwon, Best Poster Award, "Spatially Offset Ellipsoidal Microlens Arrays for Wide Field-of-view Imaging", ABC 2024, Gyeongju, Korea, November, 2024
H.-K. Kim, Nanophotonics Best Student Paper Award, Bronze prize, "High-speed Miniaturized Microscope Integrated with Biologically-inspired Ultrafast Microlens Array Camera", CLEO-PR 2024, Songdo, Korea, August, 2024
Y.-G. Cha, Best Paper Award, "Ultrathin Microlens and Microprism Array camera for Hemispherical Imaging and Detection", IEEE OMN 2024, San sebastian, Spain, July, 2024
G.-H. Han, The Best Paper Award, "Demonstration of Grism based High Resolution Miniature Spectrometer for Raman Spectroscopic Application", Optics and Photonics Congress, Jeju, Korea, July, 2024
E.-S. Yu, Excellent Poster Award, "On-chip Real-Time RT-RPA and CRISPR/Cas12a Assay using Nanoplasmonic Photothermal Pad", Biochip Conference Spring, Gyeongju, Korea, May, 2024
J. Jeon, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Wearable Plasmonic-Epifluidic Sensor for Label-Free Sweat Monitoring", Biochip Conference Spring, Gyeongju, Korea, May, 2024
J.-W. Park, The Best Paper Award, "Ultrathin Solid Immersion Grating Microspectrometer for Hyperspectral Photoplethysmography Signal Measurement and Blood Pressure Monitoring", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea, March, 2024
J.-W. Park, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Ultrathin Solid Immersion Grating Microspectrometer for Hyperspectral Photoplethysmography Signal Measurement and Blood Pressure Monitoring", Nano Convergence Conference, Daejeon, Korea, January, 2024
J.-W. Park, Young Investigator's Award, "Ultrathin Solid Immersion Grating Microspectrometer for Hyperspectral Photoplethysmography Sensing", SPIE Advanced Biophotonics Conference (ABC) 2023, Jeju, Korea, November, 2023
H.-K. Kim, Best Poster Award, "High-speed microscopic imaging system using microlens array camera", SPIE Advanced Biophotonics Conference (ABC) 2023, Jeju, Korea, November, 2023
B.-H. Kang, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Multiplex Plasmonic Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction for Rapid Point-of-Care Testing", IEEE NEMS 2023, Jeju, Korea, May, 2023
J. Jeon, Excellent Poster Award, "A Fully Packaged Compact Diffuse Reflectance Spectrometer using Scanning Grating", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea, Mar. 2023
B.-H. Kang, Silver Prize, "Handheld Real-Time Photothermal PCR System for Rapid Clinical Molecular Diagnostics", NanoKorea 2022, KINTEX, Korea, 2022
B.-H. Kang, CHEMINAS Award, "Handheld Real-Time Photothermal PCR System for Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2", The 26th International Conference on Miniaturized Systems for Chemistry and Life Sciences (MicroTAS 2022), China, 2022
H.-K. Kim, Most Excellent Poster Award, "Miniaturized microscope using offset arrayed camera for high-speed and high-SNR fluorescence imaging", Korean Biochip Conference Spring, Busan, Korea, 2022
E.-S. Yu, Excellent Poster Award, "Photothermal RPA and CRISPR/Cas Assay Optimization for Real-time SARS-CoV-2 Detection", Korean Biochip Conference Spring, Busan, Korea, 2022
C.S. Hwang, Excellent Oral Presentation Award, "SARS-CoV-2 Detection from Human Respiratory Aerosol usnig Au-TiO2 Nanocomposite SERS Substrate", Korean Biochip Conference Spring, Busan, Korea, 2022
B.-H. Kang, Most Excellent Poster Award, "Handheld Real-Time Photothermal PCR System for Rapid Detection of SARS-CoV-2", Korean Biochip Conference Fall, Jeju, Korea, 2021
E.-S. Yu, Excellent Poster Award, "Development of Real-time Isothermal PCR and Cas12-based Nucleic Acid detection for POCT", Korean Biochip Conference Fall, Jeju, Korea, 2021
J. Jeon, Student poster award, "Electrothermal MEMS grating for micro-spectrometer application", Micro Nano System Conference (MNS) 2021, Anmyeon Do, Korea, November, 2021
M.-S. Ahn, C.S.H. Hwang, K.-W.Jang, K.-H.Jeong, Young Investigator's Award, "Compact hyperspectral camera using active plasmonic tunable filter", SPIE Advanced Biophotonics Conference (ABC) 2021, Busan, Korea, 2021
B.-H. Kang, Elsevier Sensors Award, "Handheld and ultrafast photothermal qPCR system for rapid detection of SARS-CoV-2", MicroTAS 2021, Palm Springs, California, USA, 2021
B.-H. Kang, Best Poster Award, "Resistance Temperature Detector on Nanoplasmonic Substrate for Accurate Photothermal PCR Thermal Cycling", Biochip Conference Spring, Hongcheon, Korea, 2021
B.-H. Kang, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Development of Detection of COVID-19 using Real-time Nanoplasmonic PCR Assay", Biochip Conference Spring, Yeosu, Korea, 2020
J.-M. Kwon, Best student poster award, "Stereoscopic Facial Imaging for Pain Assessment using Rotational Offset Microlens Arrays." KMEMS, Buyeo, Korea, 2021
H. Na, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Separation of Double-stranded RNA using Paper Microfluidic Electrophoresis", Biochip Conference Spring, Yeosu, Korea, 2020
K. Hwang, Winners of the Global Leadership Awards, KAIST Student Awards, 2020
K. Hwang, Minister's Award of Ministry of SMEs and Startups, K-Startup Grand Challenge 2019
K. Kim, a Bronze Prize, “Biologically Inspired Ultrathin Arrayed Camera”, 15th Samsung electro-mechanics paper award, 2019
K.-H. Jeong, Biochip Journal Academic Award, Biochip Conference Fall, Jeju, Korea, 2019
B.-H. Kang, Best Poster Award, "Development of Nanoplasmonic PCR Chip with Vacuum-driven Microfluidics", Biochip Conference Fall, Jeju, Korea, 2019
K. Hwang, Young Investigator Award, "Confocal endomicroscopic system using fiber-optic harmonograph for real time in vivo imaging", Annual Biophotonics Conference (ABC) 2019, Suwon, Korea, 2019
K. Kim, Best Student Poster Award, “Ultrathin digital camera for high-contrast NIR imaging”, OMN 2019, Daejeon, Korea, 2019
B,-H, Kang, Student Travel Award & MDPI SENSORS Poster Award, "Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy based Ultrafast DNA Assays Using Photothermal PCR Chip with Plasmonic Nanopillar Arrays", MicroTAS 2018, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2018
B,-H, Kang, Best Poster Award, "Surface-Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy based Photothermal qPCR using Plasmonic Nanopillar Arrays", Biochip Conference Fall, Jeju, Korea, 2018
E.-S. Yu, Student Poster Award, "Educational Nanobio Kit for Nanobiophotonic Experiment at College Level : A Low Cost and Simple Plasmonic Paper Strip", ABC, Gwangju, Korea, 2018
C. S. H. Hwang, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Ag-Au alloyed nanoislands for wafer-level ultrathin subtractive plasmonic color filter arrays", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea, 2018
Y.-H. Seo, Best Paper Award Poster Session, "Design of High Definition, High Frame Rate Electrostatic Lissajous MEMS Mirror ", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea, 2018
Y.-S. Kim, Best Poster Award, "A Miniaturized Lissajous Fiber-Scaning Microscope for Two-Photon Fluorescence Imaging of Mouse Liver Tissue", ABC, Incheon, Korea, 2017
M.-S. Ahn, Outstanding Poster Award,"Angle-sensitive Plasmonic Filter with Selective Attenuation of SPP Resonances from Nanohole Arrays", SPP8, Taipei, Taiwan, 2017
M.-S. Ahn, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Angle-sensitive Plasmonic Tunable Filter with Attenuation of High-order Resonances", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea, 2017
S.-I. Bae, Best Paper Award Poster Session, "Design of Pneumatically Controlled Liquid-filled Tunable Lens for Endoscope Camera with Subwavelength Structures on Flexible Membrane", Korea MEMS (KMEMS), Jeju, Korea, 2017
Y.-H. Seo, MEMS 2017 Travel Grant, “Compact OCT endomicroscopic catheter using flip-chip bonded Lissajous scanned electrothermal MEMS fiber scanner” in The 30th IEEE International Conference on Micro Electro Mechanical Systems (MEMS 2017), Las Vegas, USA, 2017
M. Park, Student Poster Award, "Human Tear-Based Gouty Arthritis Diagnosis Using Plasmonic Schirmer Strip", in Annual Biophotonics Conference 2016, Daejeon, 2016
C. S. H. Hwang, Best Poster Award, "Optical Low Angle Pass Filter for High Resolution Robust PPG Monitor", in Optical Society of Korea, Pusan, 2016
Youngseop Lee, Best Poster Award, "Plasmonic Color Filter at Visible Region based on Large Area 3D Metasurface", in Nano-imprint Molding Print Forum, Jeju, 2015
Min-Hee Kang, Best Poster Award, "AuAg Alloyed Nanostructures for Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering", in the Biochip conference Fall, Hongcheon, 2015
Moonseong Park, Best Oral Presentation Award, "Plasmonic Tear Assay for Measuring Uric Acid Level using Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering", in the Biochip conference Fall, Hongcheon, 2015
Min-Hee Kang, Best paper Award, "Nanogap-rich Surface-enhanced Raman Scattering Substrates .via Repeated Solid-State Metal Dewetting", in the Biochip conference Fall 2014, Osong, Korea, 2014
Jae-Jun Kim, Best Paper Award, "Batch Microfabrication of Inclined Diffractive Optical Elements using Thermoset and Thermoplastic Materials”, in the KMEMS, Jeju, Korea, 2014
Hyeon-Chul Park, Best Poster Award "Forward-Viewing Optical EndoMicroscopy with Lissajous Fiber Scanner", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea, 2014,
Young-Jae Oh, Best Paper Award "Nanotextured Surfaces with Large Area Glass Nanopillar Arrays for Highly Sensitive Biophotonic Detection", Biochip Conference (Spring) 2014, Jeju, Korea, 2014
Hyukjin Jung ,Best Paper Award of 2012 in Applied Physics Letter, "Monolithic polymer microlens arrays with antireflective nanostructures"
Kyung-Won Jang, The Best Paper Award, " Miniaturized Parallel Plate Rotation based Stereoscopic Imaging Module", in the OSK summer annual meeting, Yeosu, Korea, 2013
Jae-Jun Kim, Best Poster Presentation Award, "Bioinspired Hierarchical Structures of Firefly Lantern", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea 2013.
Young-Jae Oh, Best Poster Presentation Award, "Antireflective Glass Nanopillar Arrays for Intense Fluorescence and SERS", KMEMS, Jeju, Korea 2013.
Hyukjin Jung, National Science and Engineering Graduate Research Scholarship awarded by The Korea Student Aid Foundation(KOSAF) (No.S2-2009-000-02135-1), 2009
Hyukjin Jung ,Best Paper Award, “Self-aligned microlens and waveguide using self-writing process in photosensitive polymer resin”, OSK Photonics Conference 2008
Hyukjin Jung, Best Poster Presentation Award, "High numerical aperture microlens arrays with antireflective structures using plasma induced polymer coating process", ISNIT, Wonju, Korea 2012.
Dongmin Keum, Best Poster Presentation Award, "Planar artificial compound eye combined with plasmon enhanced fluorescence photodetector", ISNIT, Wonju, Korea 2012.
Min-Hee Kang, The Best Paper Award, “Nano Contact Printing For Low Cost SERS Substrates using Metal Dewetting”, BIOCHIP Conference (Fall), Seoul, Korea 2010.
Ki-Hun Jeong, The Best Teaching Award, BiS221 Biomechanics from the department of Bio and Brain Engineering at KAIST 2009
Hyeon-Chul Park, The Best Paper Award, “Miniaturized Optical Scanning Module by Lens Scanning”, KMEMS 2010 and OSK Photonics Conference 2010
Ki-Hun Jeong, Biomimetic Compound Eye, featured on EBS, Korean Broadcasting 2010
Ki-Hun Jeong, The KBCS Honor 2009 on contribution to the Korean Biochip Society in 2009
Ki-Hun Jeong, The Best Poster Award, “Nanoplasmonic Biosensing of Small Molecule Label-Free Detection”, the Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB) Annual Poster Festival on 2009
Sang-Gil Park, The Best Paper Award, “Biocompatible Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering Substrate Based on Agarose hydrogel”, BIOCHIP Conference (Spring), Daejeon, Korea 2009.
Ki-Hun Jeong, Biologically Inspired Artificial Compound Eye featured in Science, Nature, NY Times, BBC, Slashdot, SF Chronicle, Forbes, MSNBC and Scientific American, April 2006
Ki-Hun Jeong, Cover Image in Science, Science 310 (5751), 18 November 2005, COVER Description: Confocal micrograph of an artificial compound eye produced by biologically inspired optical system synthesis. Each microlens is individually self-aligned with an artificial cone and a waveguide. [Image: K. Jeong] http://www.sciencemag.org/content/vol310/issue5751/cover.dtl
Ki-Hun Jeong, Presentation Winner ( Title: Biomimetic Microfabricated Compound Eyes), Industrial Advising Board Meeting, organized by Berkeley Sensor and Actuator Center at UC Berkeley, Spring 2005, http://www-bsac.eecs.berkeley.edu/iab_spring_2005/best.php
Ki-Hun Jeong, Ph.D Admission Scholarship (Department of Mechanical Engineering, UC Berkeley), Fall 1999
Ki-Hun Jeong, Korea Annual Best Paper Award in Tribology, (Korean Federation of Science and Technology Societies), May 1998